Savika Sanghom

“Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:8)
Vice president: -
Secretary: Mrs. Lenny Lijo
Joint. Secretary:


Sevika Sanghom meeting is held at the parsonage after the Holy Mass in the first and third week of every month.The meeting begins with Bible reading ,followed by Intercessory prayer, Bible study etc. It contributes a lot to the spiritual growth of the sanghom members.

Sevika Sanghom Day

Sevika Sanghom Day is celebrated every year. The office bearers of the Sevika Sanghom lead the Order of Worship prepared by the Central Sevika Sanghom and the worship on this day. The message is delivered by a Sevika Sanghom member.

UAE Centre Sevika Sanghom

Our Parish takes active part in the activities of the UAE Centre Sevika Sangham, which was formed in 1988. The activities arranged include songs, Bible reading, Intercessory prayers, devotional talks and debates.

Bidding Adieu

Farewell function is held for the Vicar and family and the active members of the Sanghom when they return to Kerala on permanent transfer of residence .


An amount of Dhs 6000 was utilized for charity in association with the UAE Centre Sevika Sanghom.